Exhibition Catalogs
Every year we are lucky enough to see innumerable exhibition catalogues come to life. It is at times hard not to pack up and travel to see the shows, but when the complimentary copies arrive it is always an exiting moment.
The world of publishing is part of SCALA’s DNA. The company’s full name was Scala Istituto Editoriale (publishing institute) and the aim of the publications was that of promoting the study of art history through texts by esteemed authors and high quality reproductions. We fully understand how important it is for you to be able to quickly identify the right images, be assured the quality and accuracy of the image files, as well as speed and ease in receiving them. Expert advice is also available should editors or graphic designers have questions or technical requests for files to be reshot or prepared according to different specs. We are available, whether it be for a luxurious extra large sized coffee table book or for a children’s sticker book.
Every year we are lucky enough to see innumerable exhibition catalogues come to life. It is at times hard not to pack up and travel to see the shows, but when the complimentary copies arrive it is always an exiting moment.
Every year there are several projects of publications to commemorate an upcoming anniversary or specific event. recently one among the most interesting was was the commemoration of the 700th year from the death of Dante Alighieri, the father of the Italian language. A large number of volumes on him and his works were created, with numerous requests for material from medieval manuscripts to contemporary illustrations of the Divine Comedy. It was fascinating to see how many artists in the centuries had been interested and had interpreted that famous literary work as well as all the collateral content used to make the volumes even richer and more informative.
Whether an artist’s oeuvre was small, as in Antonello da Messina’s case, or vast, as in Canaletto’s case, we can provide the images. Every year we assist in the creation of innumerable monographs and also in many catalog raisonne. The art historians among Scala’s staff play a crucial role in chasing down works in private collections and the photo lab in creating specific files to show even minute details deemed important by authors and editors.
Beautiful volumes that slowly emerge from their encased protective layer; boxed books often seem as small treasures. We never tire of seeing them come to life.
When the volumes needs to be large the images need to be impeccable in quality and large in size. Our in house photo lab, original large transparencies, high quality, and lastly the possibility of reshooting ad hoc, ensure we can assist with very large format books and large reproductions.
You cannot judge a book by its cover. That is true… but we all still want the perfect cover which will grab the attention of the reader and on some level relate to the content of the volume.
The great history of art or the history of design, the great moments in history, the great photographers, the history of architecture or of furniture, these are only a few of the many themes which were turned into sets of volumes and series. With the variety and richness of our archive we can come up with many more themes and series to suggest!
Some series are created expressly as collateral to newspapers, but are not less interesting or beautiful because of it.
From museums’ art focused magazines to the news related magazines, from large print run mass market to scholarly, from the USA to Japan… the variety of magazines is astounding.
Artworks from known collections and museums are at time good comparisons to those being sold at auction. They help visually explain the similarities, clarify timelines and complete the information being provided to readers and buyers.
Not all is fun and games. Behind the often light hearted and colorful children’s books and magazines lies hard work and responsibility. Engaging and drawing children into the various depicted worlds is the key to setting them along the path of becoming readers and foster the ability to learn, giving them the tools to become well rounded healthy adults.
Every year we provide tens of thousands of images to illustrate traditional texbooks; and now as many video and audio clips covering art and history are also available to enrich and enliven the digital versions of textbooks or educational platforms.
Just because they are sticker books does not mean they cannot have also a highly educational value! We have seen some fantastic examples.